Adding related products, up-sells and cross-sells programmaticly.
Possible solution:
In order to set related, up-sells and crosssells you need to do the following
Let's assume that the current product is $_product (that you got by doing Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(SOME ID))
//for related $_product->setRelatedLinkData($param); //for up-sells $_product->setUpSellLinkData($param); //for crosssells $_product->setCrossSellLinkData($param);$param is an array with the following structure
$param = array( $associatedProductId=>array( 'position'=>$associatedProductPosition ) )
Here is an example. Let's say you want to add products with ids 101 and 102 as related products to $_product on positions 3 and 5.
You should do something like this:
$param = array( 101=>array( 'position'=>3 ), 102=>array( 'position'=>5 ) ); $_product->setRelatedLinkData($param); //here ... some other product operations and in the end $_product->save();
It works the same for up-sells and crosssels.
What is the position referring to?
ReplyDelete"position" represents the order in which the related products (and others) are displayed in the frontend.